Summer Snapshot–A Precious Big Deal

by | Sep 3, 2012 | Life & Faith | 2 comments

One of the wonderful things about blogging is being a part of a community of people who know how to share and encourage one another. Several weeks ago Jen Ferguson at Finding Heaven Today,(who also spearheads the Soli Deo Gloria community) had a writing suggestion for a ‘Summer Snapshot’ series (a very loosely organized series……right here.)
You can join, too.  Just write about your favorite Summer Memory, link up with the SDG community (See below) and let us see what made you happy.
I took the snapshots and saw the story unfolding…….
I have the honor and joy of being a grandmother of five amazing children. My son and his wife have done a remarkable job of raising their 4 boys and one delightful girl to be kind, adventurous, polite, helpful, and most of all, to love Jesus.
These five grands are also adorable, kind (most of the time) and funny-bordering-on-hilarious. (You should see my grandson Paul’s ‘Princess Bride’ movie shtick….but I digress.)
The hard part is these children live 3 hours away from us.
When we DO get to spend time with them, every simple thing is a precious big deal to my husband and I.
On the warm July weekend we visited, while everyone was getting ready for church (which as you can imagine takes a good long while) my grandson Peter (age 6), saw Grandpa outside on the porch with his coffee and reading his Bible. 
When Peter went out to join him, Bill asked which story from the Bible Peter wanted him to read.
David and Goliath?
Daniel in the Lion’s Den?
Moses parting the Red Sea? 
“No, grandpa, I want you to tell me about when Jesus died on the cross.
That one.”



                                                       Grandpa Bill and Peter
When Peter was done listening, Abigail (almost 5) decided it was time to go out and see what was going on with Peter and Grandpa.
 Abigail and her Grandpa

I was overcome at the grace and gifts of God, allowing me to see this little snapshot of Heaven right in the backyard. 
Quiet time–a simple, everyday thing. A precious Big Deal. 
Without a doubt, of all the beautiful places I visited this summer,
all the wonderful fun I had
and all the people I saw,
nothing is more precious a memory than
the sight of my son’s children sitting at the foot
of their Grandpa’s rocking chair,
listening to him share  from God’s Word.
“16 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16
Linking with Jen and the SDG Community (again–actually I forgot last week!)
Finding Heaven
and Jennifer for God Bumps…


  1. How neat! What a blessing that your grandson went to the “main story”, just as Jennifer commented. I thought the same thing. [I'll be meeting Jennifer during my first stretch of the trip, and you only a week-plus after. WHAT a BLESSED Lay I will be!]

  2. I can't get over this:

    “No, grandpa, I want you to tell me about when Jesus died on the cross. That one.”

    Oh, how wonderful. How marvelous!


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