Why we need to Slow Down

by | May 12, 2014 | Life & Faith | 7 comments

I spent three days last week—Thursday through Sunday—on a trip to Southern Oregon from my home in Seattle.  It was a LONG drive over mountains and through valleys, across highways and mountain passes, complete with wind and rain and snow. I took a few photos as I rounded the curves and the corners along the way (very carefully–really).  When I stopped for coffee and stretched my legs, God showed me something. This is what I wrote:

There are two ways to slow down on a mountain highway—you can either put on the brakes or let up on the gas.

One, if you have to brake it’s because you’re going too fast—there’s danger ahead if you speed and you could get hurt.

However, letting up on the gas means you have more opportunity to respond which means there’s safety ahead.  You’re confident negotiating the curve and even better, you’ll be able to maybe see something you’ve never seen before.

It’s also easier if you want to take a detour off the road to make the turn you need.
Nooooooooowww, if you’re a semi truck with a tractor trailer rig behind you, it takes a TON of energy to stop.  When the speed is too great and there’s no possibility of stopping, speed ramps are provided for drivers on very steep downgrades.

There is a convenient gravel laden slope to the right of the road as you’re careening down the hill. The slope rises to a 45 degree angle in about 2 seconds as the rig leaves the road.  And then it rocks and wobbles back and forth and back and forth until it is still. (I have seen this before).
Slowing is a sure thing, stopping takes much longer but at least no one is injured.

And I wondered, Which kind of driver am I? Which kind of driver are you?

And more importantly, what kinds of roads are you traveling?
Linking with Laura for Playdates, Kelli and the new community at Unforced Rhythms
and Jennifer Lee for Tell His Story.


  1. What kind of life do you want to live? Hmmmm…now that's the question. I want to respond, not react. I love that. Thanks for reading, Amy.

  2. “. . . letting up on the gas means you'll have more opportunity to respond . . . ” — what a perspective, Jody!

    I hear: what kind of a life do you want to live?

    My response: I don't want the stress of having to react. I instead want to respond . . . with thoughtful judgment guided by God. Amen.

  3. Alecia, thanks for reading. Yeah, I love it when the Holy Spirit just drops things in like that. 🙂

  4. I find I can slow down more easily when I go on vacation. I would love to get that mentality that I get on vacation during every day life. It takes determination though – easier on some days than others.
    Thanks for letting me know about where my comments were linking to. I'm trying to fix it so it goes to my new site. Take care!
    Cooking Up Faith

  5. Brakes are such a metaphor, aren't they? What a way to articulate that, Jody.

    Always glad to have your voice at Unforced Rhythms.


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