How Do we Hear in the Noise of Summer?

by | Jun 16, 2014 | Life & Faith | 13 comments

Ten minutes before two in the afternoon, I’m sitting at my desk with a sigh of, “Ahhhhh…,” hands open in prayer. My heart is full, my spirit content and the words of praise only God understands pour from my lips.

It is so good to have this me-and-God time. His presence is sweet—I savor it like the first sip of good strong coffee, satisfying, rich, deep—and totally worth the wait. I was “supposed” to be here bright and early in the morning, but you know what they say about the best laid plans….
It was the first Monday of summer vacation. The night before I had determined, “I will start things off right.” I jotted down notes—my days would look like this:
7:00 ish     Get up
7:30          God’s Word, prayer and journalling (and a cup of coffee!)
8:00 ish     Go for a Walk
8:30          Sit down and write.  Every day.
10:00        Carry on with whatever needs carrying on
This pattern would not only get me closer to Jesus, but would make a better writer, guaranteed.
Unless I overslept on this First Monday. Which is exactly what I did.
I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee at 9:00 a.m. for some God-sized dream sharing—Big Stuff. Our assistant youth pastor and I were going to brainstorm and I wanted to be all prayed up, spiritually full.
Instead, I bolted out of bed at 8:19. Totally missed my alarm. I barely had time to fix my hair, get dressed and brush my teeth before heading out the door. (Oh, and I had to come back to the house because I forgot my planner. Ack.)
I felt unprepared, like a failure. I wanted to be a veritable fountain of light, overflowing with God’s wisdom while we talked about Important Things. And I so wasn’t.
What did God do in my coffee get together with my pastor friend? He spoke to both of us, confirmed the work He was doing, stirred us both in prayer and brought encouragement about this big idea. She was excited to receive and I was energized by her affirmations that I was actually hearing from God.
And I had to wonder, as I sat there at my desk—does God CARE what time of day I come to spend with Him in His Word?
Is there like a rule that says, “Morning is best, really, for your quiet time, because that’s what Jesus did?”
But what if I was a barista at Starbuck’s (like the gals who served us) and I had to get up at 3:30 in the morning so I could open the store at 4:30? In the morning? My son was a barista for a number of years—I used to joke that God was the only other one up at that hour of the day.
Would God expect me to get up “first thing” for my quiet time and devotions? I think not.
STOP, I heard God say, with the expectations and the “shoulds” and the rules. Just Stop. Just COME.
Come when you can–
When you’re full
When you’re empty
When you have an hour
When you have 10 minutes.
Just Come.
And you will be filled with a fresh, satisfying, rich drink of water that never runs out, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Better hours than even Starbuck’s keeps.



  1. Jen speaks the heart-words I'm feeling. “my heart resonates with it…. All legalism swept aside and there is just grace.”
    Lovely. Thank you!

  2. Jody- thanks for this timely reminder that God just wants us no matter what our daily routine looks like…God with us always!

  3. Jody,
    Yes….All God cares about is whether we come….it isn't so much about the time of day as it is about making time to listen….and we can talk any time…wonderful words 🙂

  4. I like your phrase 'congruent with His heart.' Thanks for reading, Dana. Off to read your post.

  5. God's word DOES set the captives free….which is really my passion–people falling in love with God's word. Thanks for hosting Unforced Rhythms, Kelli.

  6. Love this, Jody. When you can. When you're full. When you're empty. When you have an hour. When you have 10 minutes. So congruent with His heart. YES. Thank you. (Linked up after you at Kelli's place and glad I did…)

  7. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! This. Is. Worship.

  8. Jody, your words are life. Thank you for them. Truly, they set captives free.

    So glad to have you with us at Unforced Rhythms.

  9. Pamela–isn't it interesting what we make into a 'rule' when it comes to following Jesus? He is clearly more concerned with a relationship–the any time and all the time kind. Thanks for reading.

  10. I struggled for years because of the preaching of morning devotions, the amount of verses to read, the length of prayer time. It was so freeing to realize God wanted me to come to him any time I wanted and He was ready to meet me. I echo your “Just come.” ~Pamela

  11. I remember reading this post and today, my heart resonates with it even more. This “come…” is so inviting, so real, so gracious. All legalism swept aside and there is just grace. Love your new look here!

  12. I think it's more that God just calls us……….and I want to be listening, whenever I respond.
    Thanks for reading, Charity.

  13. Jody – This post accurately describes a lot of the tension I feel in my own life. I want to be disciplined and have a routine that reflects my priorities. At the same time, I don't want to become rigid and feel that I must deliver on my schedule or face certain failure. I am thankful that the Lord calls us to be perfect, and then picks us up when we are not. This tension is there to remind us who we rely on. So glad for God's work in your life.


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