My Long Goodbye to Instagram

A fellow writer and I were recently lamenting the vagaries (so close to the word ‘aggravation’!) of the current iteration of Instagram. The black hole of time suck it has become, not to mention the effect on one’s mental and emotional health from scrolling mindlessly...

When You’re Drowning in Words

My friend Kim and I were talking about words the other day. She mentioned a haiku she’d written, following the form of three lines of verse and a pattern of syllables- 5 in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the last. We discussed the simple fact that when...

Five Questions for…Sophfronia Scott

I  met Sophfronia Scott at the Festival of Faith and Writing in Grand Rapids April 2018.  I’d admired her writing work from afar, particularly an essay in Ruminate magazine about dancing in her kitchen. I knew she’d be speaking at the Festival and scanned...

Five Questions for…Deidra Riggs

I began following Deidra Riggs online way back in 2012; I enjoyed her honesty, her wisdom and her down-to-earth take on spiritual issues. We finally met in person at the 2014 Faith and Culture Writer’s Conference in Oregon and we’ve continued the...